Nov 11, 2009

Strong Chennai HAMS/SWL participation in HAMFEST 2009 at Bangalore

More than 700 hams and swl participate at the hamfest 2009 held at Bangalore on 7th & 8th November . From chennai 41 Hams and 6 swl's registered .

Some of partipants were 2GMN,2WYR,2SDU,2DH,2VIT,2MTS,3STJ,2GWH,3MOA,2DRK,2AKW,3USI,2VAU,2GJR,3GGK,3RLR,2KLS,2GPS,2PIY,2PTR,2RDX,2ETO,2LF,2MBA,2CMR,3VWR,3UBR,2TSF,2ABS,2DA,2PSQ,2DPNand SWl Jaisakthivel attended the hamfest. The next hamfest is going to be held at Pollachi on 2010.

For full photo profile pls click here.

Thanks and Regards

ChennaiHams Team